AXOVISION AI Equity Strategy

Our model of cooperative Artificial Intelligences analyzes traditional as well as alternative data sets to generate precise trading signals in the data noise of financial markets. The systematic use of Artificial Intelligence allows us to recognize highly complex patterns in the data and to draw objective conclusions about the influencing variables of stock price movements. The result is a risk-adjusted share portfolio with an outstanding performance.


September 29, 2020: Founding of subsidiary AXOVISION Capital GmbH

AXOVISION Capital GmbH is a BaFin-regulated firm (§32 KWG)

April 24, 2020: Founding of AXOVISION GmbH

Formal incorporation

October 1, 2015: Research & Development

AI is a research-heavy field. This is especially true for Machine Learning based investment strategies. Time spent on thorough R&D is time spent wisely.

General information:

Business Unit: FinTech
Type: Product
Patented: No
GFFT Rank: 19.7

Contact of the Organization:

Walderseestr. 7
30163 Hannover
Tel.: +4951184404953